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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Peer Review!!

I haven’t had any bad experience with peer’s review yet, so I don’t know how I will feel if someone’s gave me a hard review. Last week, I got a small lecture from Prof. that we suppose to give constructive review on D.B. I am such a chicken to say anything bad to other people. Believe me, I try my best but it’s just not me. I am a people-pleaser. I understood what Prof was saying to me and how it should be done.
Ok back to the subject. Peer review could be a great thing. They can point out your mistakes that your eyes can’t see. Peer review can help you to become a strong writer. A fresh set of eyes cannot hurt anybody in my book. You just have to keep your head high and take it in a positive way; hopefully something great will come out of it.
Have a Happy and Save Thanksgiving Everyone.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Past Six Weeks!!

The past six weeks have been pretty interesting. Some time it feels like a roller-coaster ride, the struggle, disappointment, happiness, and stress that comes with it throughout the term. I have always struggles with writing. It’s not me. I am a person who always had a hard time conveying my feelings through words, so this class has been a little challenge. When this term started, I took the Prof. Peter’s seminar. I really liked what he said that if you have a paper due at the end of any term, start your research today and start writing your paper from this week. Write 5 minutes a day, finish your paper as early as possible that way you will have enough time throughout your term to twit it. So I just did that. I wrote my rough draft weeks ago and have been working on it to make it better. But I have been dying for someone to read it and tell me how I did. I am glad that I did it early as I am not stressing myself right now.
 All this stress and hard work makes it a worthwhile in a sense. I am keeping my eyes on the finish line with the reward “my degree”.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Going back to school have given me a new meaning to life!

School has given me a new meaning to life. I mean, I was getting to a point where I needed something new in my life. I needed a new direction in life and going back to school was too scary. How I would feel sitting with teenagers? How embarrassing it would be if I don’t know the answer or need to ask for help? This entire question kept me away from school for a long time, but going back to school was the best thing, I did in my life.
 Online school is so great, yeah you have a lot of homework to do but still easy to fit it into your busy schedule. It gave me confidence. I feel so happy. I have something to talk about with other people. It has totally changed my life. I am never bore any more. I always have something to do now. Something to look forward too. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?

Anything and everything needs credit. If we cook something really yummy, we want others to appreciate it that how good it was and they have never eaten anything delicious then this. That’s how all other things are, your art work, your article or book that you put your soul in to write it, and your ideas. We need to give credit where it’s due. We just cannot make it our own. If someone stole my idea and got rich with it, I would be mad as hell. Now I know, I have problem showing my angry side and I have a problem putting it in words but I will be mad that how could you do this to me, instead of giving me credit you made it your own. Thanks but no thanks…right.  